The first social media app to connect users directly with experts – and monetised from day one.

A growing market – and a better way of exploiting it
Our new initiative seeks to profit from the ongoing revolution in the way people seek and receive information, with almost everything now available online.
The e-learning sector covers everything from academic learning and corporate training through to podcasts and other audio content. According to a 2022 Global Market Insights report, it was worth over $315 billion in 2021. By 2028, it is predicted to be worth $1,000 billion – a trillion dollars.*
*Source: Global Market Insights – E-Learning Market Report, April 2022
A massive
A major part of this market consists of people who are looking not for structured education or general learning, but expert guidance about particular topics or situations that relate to them.
The demand is there and the technology to meet that demand exists. It is a massive opportunity for the right businesses as well as for smart investors.
So far, two companies have taken the initiative, Clubhouse and JustAnswer. However, each has proved to have major drawbacks. Consultz eliminates these flaws – and goes a stage further.
The wrong way to do it
Clubhouse and JustAnswer are the two key players in this market. They each take very different approaches and demonstrate the market potential, but both have significant drawbacks:

In barely two years, the company had 10 million people using it a week and was valued at US$4 billion. But it still has no revenue model for experts – or value for investors. It is also slow and inefficient and often more suited to general chat than accessible, accurate advice.

Their website receives 1.5m visits a month and they claim to have helped over 10 million users. But users can’t choose their expert, and costs are high and lack transparency, leading to frequent complaints. Experts, meanwhile, often receive very low fees. It is also web-based, making it less accessible and intuitive,
A major opportunity for a company which can offer more to users and experts.
Clubhouse and JustAnswer have proved there is enormous demand for connecting with experts, and many are willing to pay for quality advice, but both services have significant shortcomings. Consultz has the same basic model of matching people with questions with those who can answer them, but takes a very different approach:
Simple, transparent pricing
Users choose the right expert and price for them, with Consultz receiving a set percentage of whatever the expert charges the user.
One-on-one consultation
Like JustAnswer, except users get to choose their expert. And unlike Clubhouse, which can have hundreds or even thousands of people in one room, leading to slow, noisy experiences and poor advice.
Rates are set by the experts
This means that their expertise is properly rewarded from the outset. It benefits users as well – they can choose from a wide range of experts and rates.
Flexible packages
Experts can choose from three flexible call packages. There is also the option to extend calls shortly before the time is up.
No membership or sign-up fees
Users simply find the expert they want and pay that expert for an in-app video consultation of their chosen length.
Social-media based
Consultz is accessible and intuitive to use. Experts often have an established social media presence so can easily promote their profiles, while users can quickly share experiences.
The benefits of Consultz
For users
Consultz offers users a way of accessing the accurate, tailored information they want quickly and easily.
For experts
Consultz offers a way for experts to monetise their knowledge from day one – easily, flexibly and profitably.
Consultz compared
Consultz offers more for both experts and users than competitors, and avoids their main shortcomings. This makes Consultz highly attractive for investors.

Immediate revenue model
Social-media based
Expert vetting
Users can choose their expert
Free for users to sign up to
Low cost for users
One-to-one consultation
Transparent costs
Free for experts to join
Flexible for experts
Experts can set their fees
Transparent pricing
Intuitive to use

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